Olympic Inquiry Project Learning Celebration

For the past two months, we have been learning about the Olympics.  We started the term with a tiered assignment, Olympic Tiered Project,  focusing on Olympic Cities, Olympic Athletes and Olympic Sports.  Students learned about different aspects of the Olympic Games through tasks that were based on multiple intelligence.  Students were encouraged to select tasks within areas of strength and areas for growth. [More projects will be added on Monday]

Olympic Project #1 olivia                                                                Significant Moments in the Summer Olympics – Sena

Olympic Project #1 tara                                                             Dahlia_Vancouver2010Legacy

Then we let the games begin, by diving into some image sets from the Olympics across the years.  We used strategies modeled by Dr. Leyton Schnellert at our professional development learning session in the fall.  You can check out our previous posts about these January lessons .

As students developed their questions and delved into their topics, the energy in the rooms, in the library and in the computer lab rose.  Students were engaged and passionate about finding out about their topics.  Check out some of our topics here.

We collaborated with Evan Cupit, a MACC teacher at Kwayhquitlum Middle, and his class joined with our three classes for a celebration of learning Olympic style.  Here is a highlight of some of our learning: (more of the digital projects will be uploaded on Monday)

In groups of 4, one student from each class (grade 6-8), students looked at each of their projects and gave feedback on a “Two Stars and a Wish” sheet.   After looking at the groups’ projects, student had the chance to check out all the other projects.


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