10 Great things to talk about

We are winding down and almost into the final weeks of schools but there are more and more adventures to write about…

  1. Students in MACC 6/7 have finished their Sustainability novel study and had the opportunity to share their projects with each other on Friday.  Ms. Moody’s class completed novel study books including a variety of tasks on plot, character and theme.  Ms. Abbot’s class with Mrs Simcox made Character Containers to represent a character from the novel.  They specifically were looking at how different characters demonstrated leadership.
  2. Round #2 of Blue Team Capture the Flag happened on the grass field Friday afternoon.  This was a re-match from last week.  I believe the games ended in a draw.
  3. Mr. Sands, Principal of Energy and Sustainability for SD43, visited with the Waste Audit group to analyse the electricity an natural gas usage at Hillcrest.  The students were able to ask questions about solar panels, geothermal options, recycling, weather stripping and ways to be more sustainable.  Students were engaged in the presentation and are now planning a campaign to encourage schoo wide ‘buy-in’ in sustainability efforts.
  4. Inspiration Garden lessons continue and students participated in another session on Friday morning.  Ms. Moody still needs drivers for upcoming trips to the Gardens.  The trip is less than 10 mins at 9am and 11:45am.  If you are able to drive please contact Ms. Moody.
  5. Ms. Abbot and Ms. Moody allow for flexible deadlines to give students the opportunity to have some control over their planning and scheduling, especially for students with many extra-curricular activities.  However, the lists of overdue assignments of each teachers’ board right now are extensive.  Please check with your son or daughter to ensure their works has been submitted.  If work is not submitted, students will be asked to stay in at lunch to complete the work or to attend “I” Day in June.
  6. The temperature in the classrooms is quite warm.  While we have fans, we would encourage students to dress for the weather.  It may be helpful for students to have a hoodie that can be taken off as the day warms.  With the nice weather, we will have the opportunity to move the classroom outdoors and would encourage students to have footwear at school that is appropriate to be walking outdoors in.
  7. In Science, Mrs. Simcox, Ms. Moody and Ms. Abbot are having students rotate through three stations about various types of energy generation.  Mrs. Simcox is looking at non-renewable energy sources and hydro, Ms. Abbot is looking at nuclear power and biofuel, and Ms. Moody is looking wind and solar energy.  Students have a lesson on each topic before beginning the yearend debating project.  This project will be introduced next week and will have students examining current energy demands in BC, viable alternatives and various stakeholders.
  8. Marks cut-off for Math will be in a couple of weeks. We are encouraging students to finish off remaining units and complete the unit tests.  We view math as a 3 year program and therefore some students may be across two grade levels at the end of the year.  This is part of self-paced math and is not something to be concerned about.  Students leaving MACC this year will have completed the grade level work and will be ready to transition into the math program at their new school.
  9. Summer School registration begins soon.  If teachers are suggesting summer school for a student, they will let parents know directly.  More information is available here.
  10. During the grade 5 visit, our incoming grade 5’s and our current grade 6’s started a process of identifying their topics of interest.  The process is described in more detail here. The teachers will use this information to develop themes, units and projects for the coming years.  We are asking all incoming grade 5’s and our current grade 6’s to give some input to their top picks by going to this website and voting.

Enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend!

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